Positive Leaders and Community Builders with a Growth Mindset
In This Section
In accordance with Board Policy JH, students will be allowed no more than ten (10) general absences during the 180-day school year. All children are expected to be in attendance each day unless they are ill. Of course, situations do occur that prevent students from coming to school. School officials understand that these absences are necessary and, therefore, accept them as excused absences:
Illness (both temporary and extended)
Medical/dental appointments
Serious illness or death in a student’s family
Absences approved by the school administration
Recognized religious holidays
Suspension from school
Participation in school-related activities that have received prior approval by the school administration
Unusual or unexpected mitigating circumstances
Appearances in court or an appointment with a legal office
General Absences Include:
Absences for student health concerns that do not require the attention of a health practitioner (A parent note is required.);
Absences for non-approved out-of-town trips or activities (A parent note is required.);
Absences without acceptable cause or without parental permission.*
(*Students are not allowed these types of absences. Truancy is not permitted under any circumstances.) Parents of students with excessive absences or tardies will be called for a Truancy Intervention Plan and may be reported to the Kershaw County Mental Health Department and/or Family Court.
3 unexcused absences – Truancy risk letter to parent/guardian.
5 unexcused absences – Letter to parent/guardian requesting conference.
7 unexcused absences – Notification to county Attendance Supervisor for
referral to Family court and/or appropriate agency.
10 excused or unexcused absences – Medical excuses are required.
A note is required for all absences and must be submitted within (5) days from the date of return to school. (It is recommended that these notes be submitted immediately upon return to school.) The note must be signed by a parent/guardian and state the reason for the absence. Medical excuses must be legitimate documents provided and signed by a licensed/certified health practitioner. Parents are urged to schedule health appointments after school hours so as not to miss valuable instruction.
Examples of Notes Required From Parents/Guardians:
* Notes to explain an absence
* Notes to explain tardiness
* Notes to request early dismissal
* Notes to excuse the child from recess or physical education class
* Notes to grant permission to attend field trips
* Notes to allow the child to ride home with another child in a car
* Notes to change transportation procedures
* Proper form to take medication
* Notes to inform about an allergic reaction (should be accompanied by a doctor’s note)
Student attendance is very important to your child’s academic success, so please make sure your child is at school and is on time each and every day!
Have you ever heard, “If you’re on time, you’re late?” Our instructional day begins at 7:30 a.m. Children should be in their classrooms and ready to begin work before the tardy bell rings at 7:30a.m. The car rider line will close at 7:30 am. Please do not drop your child off in the front parking lot after 7:30. When children arrive after 7:30 a.m., a parent must sign in the student in the front office. The student will then take a tardy pass to the teacher.
With the increased instructional expectations, we must begin teaching on time. When students are tardy, they interrupt class and may miss important explanations of the assignments. Remember, missing just five minutes a day is equal to 25 minutes of lost instruction each week! Punctuality is a quality of good citizenship, therefore, please help your child arrive on time to school each day. If your child is late due to an emergency, please write a note of explanation.