Title 1 Parents Involvement Notification
After a thorough analysis has been made of disaggregated test results, teachers will contact parents for individual conferences regarding testing assessment and their child’s achievement. The principal will provide a school summary report to be distributed to all parents. The EOC Report Card with the school rating and comparisons to like schools in the state will be given to parents. In addition, various parent meetings will be held in which the principal, counselor, test coordinator, and teachers will offer suggestions as to study habits, character traits, and instructional techniques that will result in greater student achievement. Students will be given opportunities to practice test-taking strategies. Parents will be assisted in ways to help their child increase academic skills and to prepare for testing. Brochures, school newsletters, and teacher or student-made learning materials will be used to help meet test performance standards.
The Annual Title 1 Public Meeting, Back-to-School night, regular parent/teacher conferences, and a number of PTO and/or School Improvement Council meetings will be held for opportunities to discuss how to interpret test results and improve student academic success. Monthly parent meetings will be held to address instructional, parenting, and other responsibilities. Emphasis will continue to be placed on ways parents can help their own child.